“A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way.” – John C. Maxwell

The two-day, one-night camp at Kem Kaizen, Gunung Pulai, has ended successfully. A big applause to the 60 prefects and leaders from Sekolah Rendah Paragon and Sekolah Menengah Paragon who aren’t afraid of challenges and are willing to embark on a journey of self-discovery and leadership development.

With packed schedules ahead, the young leaders were immediately put into challenges in their respective groups where they needed to create their own identities. Throughout the camp, each group competed against the others by collecting the most mock money from the trainers. To achieve this, they not only needed to be the first in every activity but also show unity, kindness, and courtesy to each other and the trainers. They also had to maintain constant communication and keep their dining tables and dorms clean at all times!

From jungle trekking to night walking, from obstacle courses to survival cooking, all were new experiences for our young leaders. It was incredibly encouraging to see that not only did our young leaders not shy away from their fears, they tackled the challenges courageously while taking care of each other. Despite being pulled out of their comfort zones, they weren’t afraid to get wet or dirty. They ventured into the forest, hiked among the trees, and dipped into the flowing water with perseverance. Without the aid of torchlights, they navigated through the forest using only moonlight.

Training to be a leader is not just about listening to talks and reading books. It’s about practicing leadership. Regardless of the activity, the young leaders realized that without discussion and communication, they would fall behind. Without strategizing with group members and letting go of their egos, they knew they would fail. Through the process of experiencing failures and recognizing mistakes, the young leaders transformed into better leaders and team players.

“I learned that I need to communicate with my friends.”
“I was happy I could conquer my fears with the help of my friends.”
“Communication is important for our group to succeed.”
“I enjoyed experiencing dorm life with my friends.”
“It was a lot of fun!”
“I would definitely come again if given the chance!”